Games will be played on Star Trek space maps distributed via an organized play program and will be sold in non-blind configurations with three-ship starter box sets. However, despite sharing the same mechanics system, the Star Trek: Attack Wing game is not compatible with Star Wars X-Wing.
Just this past Monday, WizKids announced eight single-ship expansion packs for Star Trek: Attack Wing. The first expansion packs for the game are:
- Federation U.S.S. Reliant Expansion Pack.
- Federation U.S.S. Enterprise Expansion Pack.
- Romulan I.R.W. Valdore Expansion Pack.
- Romulan I.R.S. Apnex Expansion Pack.
- Klingon I.K.S. Gr'oth Expansion Pack.
- Klingon I.K.S. Negh'var Expansion Pack.
- Dominion Kraxon Expansion Pack.
- Dominion Gor Portas Expansion Pack.
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